Why choose Focus Tennis?
Sports psychology is the performance factor coaches are often least comfortable working on directly with their athletes.
It is motivational for the players to have a team supporting them, mirroring the professionals they look up to.
Children will develop into successful adults by improving their performance character traits, pursuing excellence in their sport
Who can apply?
Where do the sessions take place?
The initial session usually takes place at the athlete's home or a place where they are most comfortable.
Follow on sessions can either be delivered face-to-face or online as desired.
What do the Focus Competitor sessions involve?
Two hour introductory face-to-face meeting with athlete (and parent for under 18s) with summary report.
Follow up sessions (quarterly) with athlete (and parent for under 18s) and coach, either online or face-to-face.
Develop useful strategies that an athlete can use around competition (preparation during and after) that minimises psychological interference, enabling their potential to be maximised.